Monday, May 28, 2012

Pyper's Birth Story

 I've had the pleasure and blessing of experiencing the love a mother has for a child for the past 2 years and 9 months. On May 22, 2012, that love only doubled. My heart is so so full.

Monday, we started the day off with my last OB appointment. Doctor K told me I was dilated to a good 3 and my cervix was still about 70% effaced which was plenty favorable for delivery. We got our instructions for what we needed to do the next morning and we were on our way.

I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands getting last minute things done before our sweet princess made her appearance and hanging out with our precious boy! My parents and sister arrived about 6:30 that evening and we headed to Aubelo's for some yummy Mexican food. My brother met us back at our house where we all visited for a while.

Mom and I waiting on Pyper
Brody and I had planned on an early bedtime as we had to be ready to leave the house by 5:00 am when we called the hospital. We got Wade in bed on time and enjoyed our last night as a family of three snuggling, having story time and prayers. Brody feel asleep quickly, I jealously tossed and turned, surfed the Internet, and played on my phone most of the night. That's the one thing about inductions, you have time to think about what is going to happen, and I was too excited/nervous to sleep. I finally dozed off about 2:45, only to have my alarm wake me 2 hrs later.

Getting anxious
I got up and showered and dressed and anxiously called the hospital at 5 to see what time we needed to arrive. My dear sweet friend works in labor and delivery and since she wasn't working that particular day she requested her sweet friend for me. Since I had requested a nurse that didn't arrive until 7, we didn't have to be there until 6:45. Brody went back to bed for another hour or so and my mom and I sat on the couch and watched TV until it was time for us to go. That's a fun memory I'll cherish, just she and I while the whole house was asleep, visiting and dreaming about what we thought baby girl would look like.

Mommy's first look at her baby girl
Finally, it was time for us to go. We snuck in and kissed Wade's sleepy head, hugged mom and dad and we were on our way. That was a fun/nervous car ride. We didn't really say much, lost in thought about the day. We got there about 7 and they took me right back to a delivery room and got me all changed. They started my IV about 7:15 and asked an array of questions. I was surprised to see Dr. K walk in at 7:40. He checked me and to my surprise went ahead and broke my water. They started my pitocin on a low dose as Dr. K was headed into a c-section with the anesthesiologist.

Just missing Wade
We had asked our families to just wait for our call to come up to the hospital. Brody and I wanted to be able to share some alone time before everyone came up to celebrate and anxiously await Pyper's arrival. Boy was I thankful we had done it that way! My contractions started quick and strong! I was able to breathe through the first 30 minutes of them and the pain was manageable, but they quickly started coming closer together and a lot stronger! I went ahead and asked for my epidural as I could tell I was laboring quickly. The nurses informed me that I was already on the list for one but the anesthesiologist was still in the OR with the c-section. I ended up laboring for a good two hours before I got my epidural. Finally, at 10 I was able to get my epidural. Brody was nervous for me as I'm a huge weenie when it comes to needles, surprisingly I wasn't even nervous about it as this was going to be my 3rd epidural and I knew what to expect. Even if I had been nervous about it it wouldn't have mattered, I was so focused on breathing through my strong contractions that I was shocked when they told me he was done. The nurses check me at 10:15 and I was a good 6. Finally, about 10:30 the epidural really kicked in and I got some relief. We went ahead and told my mom and dad to come up and be with us. They arrived about 10:45 and we visited about the morning and Wade. My mom kept asking me if I was having contractions because i was getting these looks on my face, I told her I couldn't feel anything but strong strong pressure between my legs. She felt like I needed to be checked but I assured her they would be in soon. Brody's mom arrived about 12:05 and the nurses came in at 12:15 to check me. We were all shocked to find out that the intense pressure I was feeling wasn't contractions, I was crowning and it was time to push!!!

Mom quickly got on the phone calling my brother, sister, and father-in-law to hurry up and come to the hospital. Everyone but Brody and Mom left the room. For Wade's delivery it was just Brody and I, this time I really wanted my Mom to be apart of the delivery, I knew it would be a special moment for her and I both!

First Shampoo
Dr. K walked in a 12:20, I pushed through two whole contractions and at 12:28 PM Miss Pyper, graced us with her presences. The hospital has started what they call kangaroo care, they immediately placed her on my chest and wiped her down. Once Dr. K was done with me, they weighed and measured her. They then placed her in my hospital gown and left us to just enjoy our new baby girl. She latched on quickly and nursed easily. It was so wonderful, they do everything in the room, bath her, do her initial check up, the whole nine, she never left our side.  

all clean
We've been home a week tomorrow and our family feels so complete. Wade wasn't too sure about Pyper the first day in the hospital. He didn't want a whole lot to do with her, once we brought her home though he has warmed right up. He says "I hold it!" And in the mornings he says, "Where is Pyper?" or "Where is sissy?" He is fascinated with her diaper changes. More like disgusted and fascinated all at once, but he is always eager to hand me a diaper and wipes and be a helper in the process. Sometimes he tells me to set Pyper down so I can play with him. It's been interesting figuring out how to make it all work, but I think he realizes that she hasn't taken her place and we love them both the same.

kisses for sissy

We feel so blessed and thankful that the Lord has entrusted us to be this little boy and girl's parents. We pray that we are raising them in a way that is pleasing to Him and that we have already planted a seed in their hearts to be obedient, diligent servant of the Lord.