Tuesday, May 15, 2012

37 Weeks!

How far along: 37 Weeks! FULL TERM!!!
Size of baby: According to thebump.com Pyper is the size of a winter melon. She measures between 18.9 to 20.2 inches long and weighs between 6.2 to 9.2 lbs. Baby is gaining 1/2 an ounce a day. 

We went for our last 4D sonogram Thursday and they said she was measuring at 6 lbs 3 oz. So I'm guessing she weighs about 6 lbs 6 oz.

Total weight gain: 29 lbs. I'm getting to the point that I'm ready to stop seeing those numbers climb. I didn't want to go over 30 so hopefully, I can stay a few lbs within that goal.
Loving on this belly while i still can!
Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!!

Movement: Movement is still good. I can tell she is running out of room, they aren't sharp quick jabs or kicks anymore, mainly just big ole bulges and her pushing her little hiney out. I can still feel her head butting my cervix.

Sleep: Sleep is as good as can be expected. I'm staying up somewhat later in order to fall asleep quickly when I actually do get in bed. I'm up every two hours to pee.

What I miss: Feeling somewhat cute in clothes and having clear skin. My hormones are in full swing and my face is broken out like crazy!

Cravings: peach chicken wrap from McAlisters, Cereal. 

Symptoms: Extra sore boobs, leaking a little colostrum, random contractions, lots of pelvic pressure, I've hit the really tired even though I'm not doing much stage again. Funny how pregnancy starts and ends that way.
Maternity clothes: Still a few normal pieces of clothes but mainly maternity.

Best moment this week: Saw our sweet baby girl again yesterday. She looked right at us on the screen! I can't wait to kiss that cute little nose I saw!!!

-Still no change. Still dilated to a 2, he didn't tell me if I was effaced anymore, I'm assuming no. 

-If I haven't had her by Monday I'm on the schedule to be induced Tuesday morning. I DON'T want to be induced so we are praying she comes on her on this week sometime! See previous post for more on this topic. 

Have so enjoyed every second of this pregnancy!! Trying to savor each kick and roll and my belly!

-Feel extremely ready this week.  I've been spending all my spare time with Mr. Wade and enjoying it being just the two of us while I can. But I feel like if she came today I would be totally at peace with Wade becoming a big brother. Praying that the Lord's timing will prevail!


Katie said...

Praying that the induction appointment won't even be needed! But if it is, the Lord will provide.
I can't wait to see sweet Pyper! :) Hope you are able to rest in the days to come while you wait!