Tuesday, May 1, 2012

35 weeks!

How far along: 35 weeks, cerclage free, 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated. This girl could literally come at any time!!!
Size of baby: According to thebump.com Pyper is the size of a butternut squash. She is between 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighs between 4.2 to 5.8 pounds!
Total weight gain: 27 lbs
Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!!

Movement: This little girl is moving around like crazy! She is down on my cervix and head butting really hard!
Sleep: Sleep is as good as can be expected. I've actually slept fairly hard this past week and weekend due to being tired from moving. Still up to pee every couple of hours.

What I miss: Feeling somewhat cute in clothes and having clear skin. My hormones are in full swing and my face is broken out like crazy!

Cravings: Bananas, peach chicken wrap from McAlisters.

Symptoms: Extra sore boobs, leaking a little colostrum, and my sides are sore when I wake up in the morning, and BH contractions. I've had lots of cervical pain due to the stitches.
Maternity clothes: Still a few normal pieces of clothes but mainly maternity.

Best moment this week: Oh my goodness there were so many wonderful moments this week!

-We got all moved in and got Miss Pyper's Nursery for the most part set up and decorated and ready to go. My aunt will be here at the end of the week or beginning of next week to paint some cute stuff on the walls, other than that it's pretty much ready!

-The cerclage came out at 10:00 AM this morning! Talk about painful. It wasn't enough to make me cry but it sure was uncomfortable and I was thankful when it was over. Poor Brody can't stand to see me in pain and he turned really white and sweaty before it was all said in done with! He went ahead and checked me and I'm 70% effaced and dilated to a 2 already so she could literally come any time now! CRAZY!!!

-Got her diaper bag packed and working on packing my own hospital bags! 

-The swing, bouncer, and bassinet have all be washed and set up for Miss Priss!

Now I'm just enjoying my last few days with my first baby before she arrives! 


Sally said...

Happy to see you on the other side of your move. Now that it is over aren't you glad you went ahead? So much to focus on and now you are are the doorstep of delivery! So excited for you.

LC said...

You look so great! If you have time I'd love to read a post of what you packed in your hospital bag for you and Pyper. I'm thinking I should get on that and I have NO idea what I'll need:)

Mateya said...

How exciting knowing she could ocme any time! :)

You look fantastic!

Loren said...

You girls are all so sweet! Thank you! We are excited to meet Miss Pyper!

Sally, we are glad we went ahead a moved and that we are all settled in!!!

Katie said...

You are so tiny & cute! :) Can't believe Miss P will be here at any time!! How exciting!

I'm looking forward to seeing house pictures! I'm sure you're relieved to have things set up and ready to go so you can just enjoy it.

Also, congrats on your new job!!! How awesome that you can enjoy the summer with your babies and not worry about job searching :) Very happy for you, Loren!