Tuesday, May 8, 2012

36 week

How far along: 36 weeks and counting!

Size of baby: According to thebump.com Pyper is the size of a honeydew melon.  The doctor said she was weighing between 5 1/2 to 6 pounds yesterday. We go Thursday for our last 4D sonogram so we will have a better idea of how big she is!

Didn't realize how dirty my mirror was!
Total weight gain: 28 lbs

Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!!

Movement: This little girl is moving around like crazy! She is down on my cervix and head butting really hard!

Sleep: Sleep is as good as can be expected. I'm going to bed a little later so I'm good and tired and Wade has me up between 6:45 and 7:30.  Still up to pee every couple of hours.

What I miss: Feeling somewhat cute in clothes and having clear skin. My hormones are in full swing and my face is broken out like crazy!

Cravings: Bananas, peach chicken wrap from McAlisters, Cereal. 

Symptoms: Extra sore boobs, leaking a little colostrum, and my sides are sore when I wake up in the morning, and BH contractions, pelvic pressure.
Maternity clothes: Still a few normal pieces of clothes but mainly maternity.

Best moment this week: Getting to see our sweet baby girl twice this week!

-We got a good report at the doctor yesterday. I was a little disappointed that there was no change, I'm still a 2 and 70% effaced. Dr. K said he felt like I still had at least a good week in me maybe two. 

-My emotions are all over the place this week. I'm so anxious and excited to hold and meet our baby girl period. With that said, one minute I'm sitting around wishing I was contracting or showing some sign of labor and the next I'm thankful I'm not so I can enjoy Wade by himself longer. It's all bittersweet really. I know when she gets here our family will feel even more complete and all will be well, but I'm not wanting Wade to feel pushed out or less important. I want him to understand that even though he will have a sister we still love him the same, more even and the he is important to us. I know that sounds crazy, it's just different excitement and emotions with the second child i guess. So, I know when she comes it will be perfect because that's when God wants her to join our family. I know Wade and I will both be ready and it will be perfect!

-I think if one more person calls or texts me to see how I feel or if i'm making any progress I might just turn my phone off. I know everyone is SO excited to meet Pyper, we are too, it's just I feel so much pressure when people call or ask and really, you can only be asked how you feel so many times before you just want to bite someone haha!