Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2 weeks!

Miss Pyper, you have been a part of this family for two whole weeks now and they have been the best two weeks!!

You are already such an easy going baby! To hear you cry is rare! You don't even really cry when you are hungry, you just kinda of start grunting and rooting around. You are a fairly good sleeper. I say fairly good because on the nights that you do sleep you sleep awesome but that is only about every other night. They say babies can have a fussy time at the same time every day. We have discovered yours is usually between the hours of 12 AM and 2 AM. Again, this is usually just every other night. 

You are eating so good, usually between 2 to 2 1/2 oz. During the day you go anywhere from 3 to 4 hours between feedings. At night you are a consistent 3 hours. Usually, you eat at 12, 3, and 6 am. 

You aren't too sure about bath time yet. You hated your first sponge bath at home. Luckily, your umbilical cord fell off the Sunday after we brought you home so we could start taking real baths. Your first real bath you pretty much cried through as well. However, the last two you've had the crying has lessened and I can tell your trying to decide if you like the water or if you should cry.

You will take a paci but you don't HAVE to have it which I like. You sure don't need it to fall asleep like your brother did!

You are starting to have longer awake periods during the day. Usually, you have at least two good two hour stretches that you are awake. You love to lay on your play mat and you look around while you are awake. Your sweet little blue eyes follow our voices if we have to get up for a minute.


Your brother wasn't too sure what to think about you the first two days. I think he was shocked to find that you were in HIS house when we brought you home. After the first day home though he started to warm up to you and now it's like you've always been here. He wakes up in the mornings asking where you are. When he decides he wants to hold you he just sticks his arms out and says, "I hold it." He loves to be a part of your diaper changes. He is quick to hand me your diaper and the box of wipes and stand by with an interested yet disgusted look on his face.  
Clearly he loves you!!

You don't mind us laying you down to nap or sleep at night but you are definitely most content snuggled in our arms or laying on our chest, which we are soaking up. People say not to hold you too much, that we will spoil you, well guess what, we held your brother a lot and he made it just fine! We intend on soaking up every moment that you want to snuggle, I know far to well how quickly these precious moments are going to fly by. I'm savoring them while I can. 

We love you so much little princess and we can't wait to see what the next two weeks bring us. We can't imagine our life without you now!


LC said...

What an adorable baby girl!!! I'm so happy things are going well for your family:) Pyper is just precious:)

Katie said...

She's a DOLL Loren! Just precious. I'm so glad the transition to four has been seamless for y'all :)

Sally said...

Don't listen to the nay sayers. Logan is a snuggler. Like you I wanted every moment, and I wouldn't give that up for anything. David is gone to Alaska next week. Is there a day and time better than another for me to stop by?