Thursday, March 29, 2012

What we've been up to lately

This week has seemed to fly by! In a way I'm kind of glad. We have a lot to look forward to next month so I'm itching for April to get here. I can't wait to share all the fun things April is bringing, hopefully in a few more days I can. This post is probably going to be all over the place and pretty random, bare with me.

Last week I was pretty down, my hormones have been in full swing
lately. Poor Brody, one minute I'm up beat about something and then next I'm down in the dumps or just impatient and grumpy. I'm trying to keep all my feelings in check but man!! Anyway, I've been said because I haven't been able to go home and my parents haven't been able to come up here because they are in the middle of remodeling their kitchen. So my sweet sister came into town last Thursday to hang out with us for the weekend. We hadn't planned on doing too much, we usually do a little shopping, a lot of eating, and just being down right lazy. Friday morning we woke up and had just planned on vegging around here for a while and then the door bell rang at 9:00, I started not to answer it as we all were still in our pajamas having breakfast but Wade loves to see who is behind the door so we opened it up and boy was I glad we did. There stood my sweet beautiful Momma. She drove up for the day to surprise me and take my sister and I to lunch. We had so much fun and some MUCH needed girl time!!

Grammy bought Wade a sucker after lunch, he sure enjoyed it!!
Tired boy after a long
"girls" day!

After church on Sundays, Wade likes for us to take the back roads so he can help Daddy "drive." He's so stinking cute about it, he always asked to honk the
horn and when he does he grins from ear to ear and waves at the road as their is usually nobody else to wave at on the dirt roads.

He's very big on getting out of the bath right now and cuddling up in his recliner with a bowl of popcorn and a cartoon before bed.

We sure have been enjoying this warm weather around here. Wade was fighting ear infections a lot last month and I think a lot of it was due to the cool, windy weather. We are loving all our play time in the back yard each evening. I wish I could post more pictures from these last few evenings, unfortunately Wade thinks there is something wonderful about getting stark naked and running around the backyard. I didn't figure he would appreciate me posting a picture of him naked driving his John Deer tractor. After play time is over, we've been bringing dinner on the patio to whined down our evening.
A little chicken Parmesan, spaghetti, and garlic cheese toast!!

Today I picked up Pyper's first monogrammed outfit. I love owls so when I saw this onesie I knew sister had to have one complete with a bow and burp cloth to match. I've been pretty good about not buying anything. Actually, I've only purchased two bows and two outfits. Now that's impressive for me. I've been tempted to purchase A LOT of things, but I've convinced myself to at least wait until after her little sprinkle in a few weeks.

That's all I really have! Hope you all are having a wonderful Thursday! The weekend is upon us!
It's so surreal to see her name printed on something!


LC said...

I am dying over that sweet little outfit! I need to get my Piper something monogrammed:) On the hunt now!

Loren said...

Thanks! I thought it was pretty darn sweet!! I'm sure this lady would ship to you. Check out Sew Sassy on FB.