Tuesday, January 17, 2012

20 Weeks! Half way there!!!

How far along: 20 weeks

Size of baby: According to thebump.com Pyper is the size of a cantaloupe! She is about 6.5 inches long. The doctor said she was measuring about 11 ounces yesterday! Getting closer to a pound.

Total weight gain: 8 lbs so far. Yikes 3 lbs in a week. I think I gave in to my sweet tooth a little too much. Whoops!

Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!! Pyper Grace

Movement: She is starting to move more regularly and more often! I'm loving each little flip and kick and punch! That feeling never gets old. Brody felt her for the first time tonight!! He thought he felt her Sunday night in bed but wasn't too sure but there was not mistaken it to not, she gave her daddy 3 strong kicks right on his hand!!!

Sleep: Still getting up 2 or 3 times a night to use the bathroom but can usually fall right back to sleep. A pillow between the knees has really helped me to get comfortable!

What I miss: Nothing!
(Looks like it might be crappy mirror pictures from here on out my photographer is working late now, busy time of year!)

Cravings: Still fruit, salads and fruit smoothies. This week I've really wanted a red velvet cupcake!!!

Symptoms: Some lower back pains and shortness of breath every now and then.

Maternity clothes: Still just the belly band with my regular pants and mostly regular tops.

Best moment this week: Seeing her kick around on the sonogram yesterday and shopping with my mom!!! AND finding the fabric we wanted to use for her bedding!


Alexis said...

You look great for 20 weeks. I found your blog from Ashley Sinclairs' blog and your little boy reminds me so much of my munchkin!

Congrats on the sweet baby girl!

Loren said...

Thanks for your sweet comment! Glad you found me on Ashley's blog! Your little man is a cutie!!