Friday, June 22, 2012

Pyper is 1 month

Miss Pyper, where have the last 4 weeks gone? I can't believe you are already 1 month old. What a fun month it has been with you. We all have gotten into a good routine and groove as a family of four. 
You are so sweet, you just melt our hearts. You are already spoiled rotten but we wouldn't have it any other way. 

You get a bath every other night. You have really started to enjoy bath time. You cry at first because your cold from being undressed but as soon as you hit the water you calm down and relax and kick your little legs. You don't even mind when I rub you down with lotion now.  

I'm still pumping what I can for you and we have to supplement with formula.  Your still only eating about 2 ounces at a time. I'm starting to wonder if you aren't developing some reflux like your brother had. You don't seem to enjoy eating and you cry out and arch your back a lot after you have eaten. Also, during the day some days you only eat an ounce at a time. This is classic reflux symptoms. Sometimes babies grow out of it so that's why I have put off calling the doctor to call you in some zantac.  You are very picky and if your bottle is even luke warm you won't take it. 

Your still mostly in all newborn clothing with some 0-3 month stuff. I can tell the newborn clothing isn't going to last you but about a week or two longer though. 

You took your first trip last week at 2 weeks and 5 days old. We went to your Grammy and Poppy's house for the week. You did awesome in the car. We left after a feeding and you slept the whole way their. You were a little fussy on the way back, (this is when i started suspecting reflux) and we had to pull over and get you out to burp you and hold you a bit but we didn't mind. After we stopped for about 10 minutes you slept the rest of the way! 


You don't mind when other people hold you but if your fussy or tired all you won't is your Momma (which i LOVE). Your poor Daddy can't even get you calmed down. It drives him crazy, one night I went to read to your brother and lay down with him in bed for a little while and I heard you crying. You stopped for about 2 seconds and then continued to cry for the next 10 minutes. I could hear your Daddy in here talking to you and trying to console you but nothing was working. He finally came in and asked if he could lay with your brother and I take care of you. The second I picked you up you laid your head on my chest and went right to sleep. You Daddy came running out to see what I had done, he couldn't believe all I did was pick you up and you stopped crying. 

You love to lay in your swing to sleep. You tuck your hands up under your chin and fall right to sleep with the movement. Your also sleeping in your bouncer in our room at night. You like the vibrations and this helps with the reflux stuff. Your sleeping routine is getting a little better. We still have a few rough nights in between but that's to be expected at this age. Your brother didn't start sleeping through the night until 2 months. You are going for a good 4 to 5 hour stretch though, which means you are usually only up once to eat. You can sleep through anything! Your brother can be running around the house yelling like a wild Indian and you never even flinch. You always fall asleep when I vacuum or blow dry my hair, I guess the noises are soothing to you.

You still don't HAVE to have your pacifier. You will take it some when your fussy or tired but if you really don't want it you spit it out or gag if we try to give it to you. I'm so thankful you don't need it while you are sleeping!
Just hanging out!

You have never been a fan of the swaddle. You like your arms to be free. I've tried swaddling you several times at bedtime and you grunt and cry and get mad because you can't stretch out and move. When we move you to your room I'll try again, your brother was the same way but when he moved to his room he wanted to be swaddled. 

You love to lay on your play mat in the middle of the floor and watch the ceiling fan. You will bat at some of the toys on the mat but then they scare you when they move and make you mad. It's pretty cute to watch. 

We took you to church for the first time last Sunday, June 17th. You were 3 weeks and 5 days old. You wore the special little outfit Grammy and Poppy bought you and brought to the hospital as a gift. You did wonderful, you slept right through all the music and communion and everything. We took you to the alter after communion and your Daddy prayed over you, it was the sweetest thing ever.
In your outfit for Church from Grammy and Pop!

You are still the loudest little girl ever. You grunt and groan while your sleeping. Your Daddy always thinks your waking up but your usually just stretching and really enjoying your sleep. 

Lots of people have said you are looking like me, your Grammy really thinks so! She pulled out all my baby pictures while we were there to compare. The one on the right is me. What do you think?

We are so blessed by you Pyper girl! We are just so thankful the Lord chose us to be your earthly parents and we pray that we are raising you in a way that is pleasing to Him. You make our hearts so full and add so much joy to this family! We love you so much! We look forward to the next month of new things! 
1 month today!