Friday, February 17, 2012

24 week bump date

How far along: 24 weeks! She will be here before we know it!

Size of baby: According to Pyper is the size of a grapefruit! She is about 11.8 inches long. We went to the doctor Tuesday and she weighed 1 lb 8 ounces. Wow 1 1/2 lbs! Grow baby grow!

Total weight gain: 14 lbs. I have too many good cooks that live close by. I've GOT to slow down!

Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!! Miss Pyper Grace!

Movement: Her kicks and rolls are getting stronger. I'm enjoying watching my belly shake and move with her little punches! She is most active about 8:00 pm. We just might have a night owl on our hands. Two weeks ago she was head down, Tuesday she was breech, she's been busy flipping around!

Sleep: Sleep is still good. Takes a little longer to get comfortable and my bathroom trips have increased a lot!! I'm up at least 4 times at night. She is so low though I guess she is just laying on my bladder. I've been having really scary or sad dreams too, that makes it hard to go back to sleep.

What I miss: Nothing right now

Cravings: food in general for the most part still sounds pretty good.

Symptoms: Tired by the end of the day, so lower back ackes, round ligament growing pains.

Maternity clothes: Still just the belly band with my regular pants and mostly regular tops.

Best moments this week: Getting Pyper and Wade's rooms painted and getting Wade all settled into his big boy room. Now we can start putting the nursery together.

Also, having Mom here Monday and Tuesday to help us paint was nice. Mom and I always have a blast together. My mom-in-law also helped paint and the three of us just enjoyed getting to play and be together!

Seeing my belly move with her rolls.