Friday, July 13, 2012

What we've been up to (hodge podge post)

I've had good intentions to blog but life has just been a little too busy around here the last few weeks to do so! Here is what we've been up to! 

We've built forts to watch our movies under and eat our snacks!

 We've had many a lazy mornings in our pjs just loving on each other!

Sweet brother and sister love!
 We've gone to church on Sundays! Have I mentioned we LOVE our church and church family!
Pretty girl, all ready for church!
 We've been swimming! Wade is such a little fish! He is fearless when it comes to the water. Now I just need to get him to swim lessons!
Sister just shade bathing in her swimsuit!

Our little fish!
 We spent the fourth with our family and friends! We swam that afternoon and then had Brody's parents and sister and brother-in-law over for a cook out and fireworks! The cousins have SO much fun together!

Our little firecrackers!
 On the fifth we loaded back up and headed back to Grammy and Poppy's for the weekend! We took Wade to the rode which, he loved!
Headed to Grammy and Poppy's!

Popcorn, Juice, and a movie! That's how you travel!
 This week I decided it was time to get in gear and start working on my room at school! It's coming together little by little!
Mommy's school helper!

Some of my cute Mary Engelbreit border!
 Wade loved this kitten at Miss Aaron's house! He wanted to take her home!
"here kitty, have some chips!"

Baby girl started smiling a few weeks back! LOVE that sweet grin!    
And wade helped Brody mow a few weeks ago! He wanted to be just like his Daddy, right down to the shirt off, sunglasses on and a pair of flips!.      
Wade helping Daddy mow!


Katie said...

Looks like y'all are enjoying your summer together! I'm so glad :) Love that sweet baby grin! Precious!

Sally said...

Wade looks so BIG, next to Pyper. The summer is going fast but I'm looking for that lunch date to get together before school starts. Where does the time go??