My sweet Pyper girl, yesterday you were two months old. Where have the last two months gone? I feel like it should just be two weeks! You have brought so many smiles and lots of joy to our family!
2 months old today! |
At 2 months you are sleeping through the night. You go to bed at about 10:30 or 11 and sleep till about 6:30 or 7. We are fixing to start pushing your bedtime back and putting you in your own room soon. I've waited as long as I could but seeing as how I will start back to work next month it would be wonderful it we could get you sleep trained soon. Your brother started going to bed on his on at 2 months and sleeping from 8 to 8 so we will see what you do.
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Just waiting to go to church! |
You are such a little snuggler, I LOVE It! What I love even more is that you only want to snuggle with me! Sometimes you will just cry until I pick you up and lay you down next to me, then you nestle your head down into my neck and fall right to sleep. If I move just an inch you move with me. I just love it!
Not sleepy! |
You love your Daddy but you're still not a Daddy's girl yet. If you are upset I'm just about the only one that can get you calmed down. There have been many of nights I've been reading to your brother and you cry and cry for your Daddy and as soon as I come pick you up you stop crying and go right to sleep. This really frustrates your Daddy haha! Again, it makes Mommy feel good to know you already love me so much!
You are in a size 1 diaper and eating about 3 to 3 1/2 ounces every 4 hours. Sadly, we stopped breast feeding and pumping at the beginning of this month. As much as I loved it, you were getting more fond of the bottle and it was getting harder and harder to nurse. And about the time I would sit down to pump your brother would need something or you would start crying. You got a good 6 or 7 weeks. I felt so guilty that first week but I had to remind myself you got the important stuff.
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Brother wanted to hold you while Mommy got ready! |
You love your swing. If you are really tired we just lay you in it and turn it on and you're as happy as can be! You are loving your play-mat more and more. You have started trying to bat at the toys hanging off of it.
Not sure what's going on here! |
You smiled at me for the first time on June 27th and I've looked forward to those sweet smiles everyday since. You're the happiest in the morning so we get a lot of those cute smiles then! Just this past week you have really started cooing and trying to talk to use. It is the sweetest sound.
My happy girl! |
You still hate tummy time. Some days you just refuse to lift your head up at all so I have to help you out. We cheat some and lay you on your boppy pillow which seems to help. I set you up in my lap a lot and you will hold your head up more that way.
Fell asleep watching cars with Wade while he recoups from surgery! |
You LOVE your brother and he loves you. You like for him to lay in the floor and talk to you. Lots of times he so sweetly grabs your hand in the car and holds it the whole car ride. It is the sweetest thing.
Sweet brother, holding your hand! |
You eyes are staying blue, we really thought as dark as they were that they may change to brown but they haven't. Your hair is starting to lighten up just a little. You haven't lost any of it but you haven't grown any more either.
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Me and my girl ready for church! |
We love you so much Pyper girl! This is all going by too fast for Mommy! As sad as I am that you are getting so big, I love each new phase we encounter and look forward to all the new things you are learning. We can not even begin to tell you how much joy you bring to our little family. We can't wait to see what this month holds! We love you baby girl!!
Sweet Sleeper |
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