I'm loving this little sermon series Rich is doing right now.
Sunday was about Jonah and the big fish. One thing I thought was interesting was as children we were taught that it was Jonah and the whale. However, the Bible clearly states that it was a big fish, which means it couldn't have been a whale because whales are mammals not fish.
Anyway, The Lord came to Jonah and told him to go to Nineveh and announce his judgment against it because of their wicked ways. Jonah refused and ran away on a ship, which was caught in a storm so the other men throw him over and he as swallowed by a big fish, only to be spit out three days later and to obey what God had asked of him.
There are five things to take from the story and apply to OUR lives daily.
1.God sends his people out to others.
-When God's people are in trouble he sends others out to help them see the light. Keep your heart and mind open to the Lord using you.
2.You can run from God but you can't hide.
-When you run away from the Lord he waits on you. He waits on you to obey him and trust and love him again. But he always knows where you're at, you can't hide!
3.It's not pleasant inside a fish.
-We all at some point in our life are going to be in the belly of a fish, whether it be death of a friend or family member, debt, fired, or any other kind of conflict. Hopefully, when your wading through the bones and seaweed, you turn to the Lord and you over come your fish together.
4.God WANTS to forgive and restore us.
-It's the Lord's nature to want to take what's broken and make it whole again.
5.Stop pouting.
-Get on board with the mission of Christ. Don't pout because it's not what you wanted, it's to further the kingdom. Stop being selfish and listen to what the Lord WANTS, whether that means you pack up and move across the world or you stay and become a leader in your own church, stop pouting and do what the Lord has asked of you.
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago
The idea of being swallowed by a whale, although it would be a tight fit, is much easier to grasp then the concept of a "big" fish. One big enough to spit you back out.
It is a good analogy that our trials are a 'big fish'. I often times feel like I've been 'spit out' once the trial is over.
thanks for posting that! I needed to hear it! Hopefully we are able to be back at church this Sunday!!
Loved this article that you have written. Very good points made throughout.
In the KJV of the Scriptures Jesus says this: "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Matthew 12: 40
Notice Jesus said "whale's belly"
I don't think its wrong to refer to it either way, nor do I believe that this is the point Christ was trying to make.
Your article is great and will be remembered as this book is studied.
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