Seeing this.........
when all I wanna see is THIS!
This is probably not the forum to put this out on but I think i'll feel better if I vent a little. We have been trying for another precious angel for a while now, 10 LONG MONTHS that is. The first couple of months I told myself, no big deal you're just starting it'll happen just don't obsess about it. I did pretty good for the first couple of months. I went with the flow after all I was busy with a sweet 1 1/2 year old, work, school, birthdays, and Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I even did good the first few months after that but then as if I didn't have the baby bug bad enough, everyone around me became pregnant. I know you're thinking "ok your exaggeration Loren, not everyone is getting pregnant." Oh no? Try 20 some odd people I know pregnant. Most of these people have either already had their baby or are due this summer. Which makes it even harder. I've been to 4 baby showers in the last 2 months. I love my friends dearly and I am TRULY thrilled and happy for them and can't wait to meet their sweet babies and love on them. I'm just ready for my turn as well.
I probably sound like I don't love my family now, and that is not it at all. I LOVE Wade SO much. He is EVERYTHING to Brody and I! I just see so many people with kids close in age and see what good buddies they are and I want that for Wade. Also, we would really love it if God allowed us to have three children so I would love for baby #2 to begin forming and making his/her way to the world. And I see how much love one child brings to a family, I know that love will only double with two.
I know everything happens for a reason and God's timing is perfect, I have clearly seen that with Wade. I never would have imagined being married only 5 months and finding out I was pregnant but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I know the Lord is a faithful and loving God and he will bless us with another little angel in HIS timing. I pray that he will just calm my nerves and prepare my heart for each month that is NOT the month. And I pray my mind will stop playing games with me. I must remind myself PMS is a lot like pregnancy symptoms, however, I seem to forget that each month.
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago
I found your blog off of Ashley Sinclair's blog and I just wanted to encourage you on your baby journey. I know its hard and you have lots of questions and everything your feeling is normal! My husband and I have tried for over 10 years to have a baby of our own and two years ago we adopted an amazing baby girl. My blog is and my email is If you ever just need to ask questions or concerns please ask. I've been through this journey for a VERY long time and I know God has sent ladies my way to encourage. I hope you don't think I'm a freak...haha!
Hey Loren! I'm sorry that you're having to go through this, and I just wanted to encourage you! It's so hard to be patient when you're waiting for a child. We have been trying for about a year and a half now with no luck yet. I have PCOS, so we have to do infertility treatments which makes it hard on the emotions. I'll be praying that you guys are blessed with a second babe SOON! In the meantime, continue to take comfort in the fact that His timing is absolutely perfect.
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