I can't believe my baby boy will be one tomorrow! This year has just flown by, and while I am said that he is no longer truly a baby, I'm excited about the stage that he is at. He is so much fun! The Lord has truly blessed us with a sweet, loving, easy little boy and i'm so thankful for that!
Saturday we had his first birthday party. We are blessed with lots of friends that have children around the same age has Wade so we had several kiddos there. We had a splash pad, a slip n' slide, and a blow up pool for the kids to stay cool. After all the kids got done swimming we had hot dogs, opened presents and watched Wade smash his cake. He wasn't too sure about the cake smashing at first but once he figured out he wasn't going to get in trouble he dug right into it.
Me and the Birthday Boy!!
His birthday plate he and I made together. The airplane is his footprint!
Swimming with cousin Brooke!
Enjoying the pool!
Opening presents!
One of his favorite presents, a tractor from Grammy and Poppy!
His CUTE cake!!
Hmm What's this??
our best friends!!!
Miss Grace, isn't she precious!
Wade with his friends!!
Mr. Wade here is what your up to at the age of one (12 months).
1. You are the biggest snuggle bug ever! You LOVE to wake up early so you can crawl in bed with mommy and daddy for your last hour of sleep. We always said we wouldn't had kids in the bed, and while we don't let you sleep with us we LOVE for you to come snuggle in the morning!
2. You are such a lover! You give open mouth kisses, play with Mommy's hair, wrap your arms around peoples neck and give a good firm hug, and pat people on the chest or back.
3. You are a speedy crawler but still don't care to walk. I've decided I'm not really in a rush for you to walk. While all your friends are walking, I know that when YOU'RE good and ready you'll take off.
4. Still only six teeth. Four on top and two of the bottom.
5. Your hair is getting long and very blonde and curly in the back.
6. You LOVE your soft hand rattles, you have three now but your raty dirty white lamb rattle is your favorite.
7. You are still in 12 month clothes. You got all 18 month for your birthday and I can't image you being that big even though I know in two short months all those items will fit you!
8. You still only say Mama and Dada but I swear you have repeated "Elmo" and "Oh yeah" to me several times. Your daddy thinks I'm crazy and made that up!
9. Speaking of Elmo, you LOVE Elmo!! Elmo's world is your favorite and even though I always said I wouldn't let you watch Elmo I'm ok with it because the look on your face when you watch it is priceless.
10. You have recently decided you are big enough to crawl off our bed well, all furniture for that matter. Luckily we watch you like a hawk and have been able to help you. I dread the day I turn my back for a split second and you do it yourself.
11. Graham and Tucker are your best friend.
12. You love staying with Miss Aaron while mommy goes to work. You and Graham play all day and some days you don't really care if you go home with me or not.
13. Grilled cheeses, Spaghetti, strawberries, ritz crackers, and chicken are your favorite foods. You will down a whole sippy cup of water in about 1 minute. You HATE juice. Which I am NOT sad about, I think there is way too much sugar even watered down.
14. You love to be outside
15. You squeal when your daddy get home from work. You love him so much!
16. You Still LOVE bath time!! You can't wait for me to get your clothes off so you can get in.
Wade, we can't wait to see what this next year brings for our little family. It's been such a joy to watch you grow and change this year and I'm excited to see the little boy your becoming. I know this next year will be full of fun! We love you Chunky Monkey!! Happy Birthday!
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago