Mr. Wade,
I just have a hard time believing your are 18 months old. In 6 short months you will be TWO! Where has the time gone, how can my sweet baby that LOVED to be held and cuddled be 34 inches tall and weigh 25 lbs!! It blows my mind! We have had a lot of fun this past month, we really haven't done much but you have talked your head off and it's been hilarious! Here's what you've been up too!
You learned to eat with utensils this month! You love to eat with a fork because you stab your food aggressively (hope that's not a sign of things to come), when you use your spoon you say "scoop" when you put food on it. (Mommy took you to Bless Your Heart for frozen yougurt! We were celebrating Mommy being done with classes FOREVER! Notice you have TWO spoons, you thought the yogurt was FABULOUS!)
We discovered Nutella this month and you LOVE it. You mainly just want to eat it by it's self but you will eat it on crackers or a banana to make momma happy! You are starting to eat small meals more frequently verses a big meal 3 times a day and one snack. You discovered red velvet cupcakes on Daddy's birthday and thought they were a little piece of Heaven. You would take a bite, close your eyes and hold out an "hmmmmmmm" for a long time and then repeat the process. And you either ate a big one by yourself or three mini ones!!
You have become quiet the helper. Your favorite thing is for me to turn on the dust buster and to vacuum the kitchen! I love it! You also want to throw your diapers away after we change you and then give us a high five for doing so!
You are having separation anxiety big time! Which is odd to me because we have left you with Miss Aaron since you were 4 months old and you have just now decided to cling to us! You haven't even wanted your grandparents to hold you too much because you don't want to let go of Momma or Daddy! Even at bed time your cry when we leave you, and you NEVER do that! When I'm cooking dinner you wrap your arms around my leg and beg for me to hold you. You have also been more attached to Daddy this month than Mommy, which is a recent switch! Usually it's the other way around.
You LOVE to brush your teeth! You will walk right in the bathroom, open my cabinet and get the toothbrush and toothpaste out! You cry when we take it away because you want to run with it in your mouth!
You still LOVE Elmo! Especially on our car trips! We let you wear the headphones on the way to Grammy and Poppy's one weekend and you thought that was so funny! You would put them on and listen and then take them off and dance to the radio, and then put them back on to watch the show. You were entertained for quiet some time! (Watching Elmo and testing out the headphones. You had a bib on because you had terrible mouth blister on your throat and gums and you were drooling like crazy!)
Nana ( the monkey) still goes everywhere with you! You got a sock monkey for Valentine's day that we thought my start getting to tag along too but that was short lived and only lasted about two day! (You and Nana sleeping in the car after a fun weekend at Grammy and Poppy's)
You had your last shot until you are four which blows my mind! I don't even want to image you at four years old!! You are still in the 90th percentile on height and 50th of weight! The doctor still comments on how tall you are every time we go! You love Dr. G and Keri but you sure know the nurse that gives the shots and you cry when you see her! Last week you clapped and said "yay" when the doctor came in!
You have found the piano at home and know how to open it and "play" music, which you think is SOOOO funny! You can now climb on our bed by find the side rail and hoisting yourself up!
You still love bath time and being outside. We went to the park several times this past month while it was nice. You played for about 2 hours straight every time we went. You were a little dare devil and climbed up the ladder by yourself (i was standing right behind you to catch you of course) and you went down the slide head first, backwards sitting up, backwards laying down, laying down, you name it you did it and you laughed all the way down each time! You also tried out the swing by yourself. You thought it was pretty funny for Mommy to push you and then you let go! Scared me to death! Needless to say we will probably hold of swing alone for a few more months! We don't need a broken arm!
Your personality continues to grow and come out daily. Each milestone is bitter sweet. I love that you are growing and changing and it each stage is fun but it is sad to think my first baby isn't such a baby anymore. We love you so much and we are so proud! Here is to another 18 months! Love you!
(I promise I will start to blog about other things than our monthly milestone again! It's just been a busy last few months!)
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago
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