Friday, December 28, 2012

Pyper Grace is 7 months

Pyper Grace, on December 22, 2012 you turned 7 months! I CAN NOT believe it!! I feel like the end of your first year is flying by even faster than the first 6 months! I know time will just continue to fly by! You are so busy trying and doing new things. Here is what your up to at 7 months,

  • You are MOBILE! Your not crawling or even trying to crawl yet but you can roll all over the room and turn in circles with the best of them. If you see something you think you have to have you roll and roll until you can reach it. 

Christmas at Poopsies!

  • You love to eat! You eat a fruit or veggie at 11:00 each day and usually both a fruit and veggie at about 6:30 or 7:00 for dinner. You are still taking several 6 ounce bottles through out the day. You stole a puff from a friend at school and LOVED it. We occasionally let you have one at a time but Mommy is still leary of them since you are really not the age they are recommended for. Maybe in another month or two we will really get into them. 

  • You HATE to be by yourself for even a minute. If I set you down and you see me walk out of the room you start screaming. While I love the fact that you love being with us, I must say this makes it hard to get anything done, including showering or taking care of other bathroom needs. We have your Daddy to thank for this, he sprints at any little sound you make. Your his Princess and he can't stand to see you cry for a minute. 

  • You still love bath time! You have really started kicking and splashing in the bath now and you really love it when brother bathes with you. He makes you laugh and you splash him. It is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. 

  • I must apologize to you sweet girl, you got a problem that I use to have when I was a baby and toddler. You get constipated A LOT. The doctor said this is hereditary. So try to avoid you getting uncomfortable and screaming you drink 3 to 4 ounces of straight apple juice every day or every other day.   If you ever get uncomfortable we give you about 6 ounces and that takes care of the problem in about an hour. We try to stay on top of it though and keep you from feeling uncomfortable.
My sweet girl!

  • You had your very first Christmas this month and you LOVED everything about it. You were so easy going and relaxed at all 4 Christmases we had. If someone handed you a present you tried your best to get into it. You LOVED boxes and tissue paper! You favorite presents were a learning dog that sings and lights up from your Nonnie and Papaw and a big fluffy teddy bear from Grammy and Poppy named Philbin. You sleep with Philbin and squeeze him when someone hands him to you!
Loves to sit in her highchair while Momma cooks

  • You are still waking up once a night for a bottle and diaper change. You got to bed on your own and go right to sleep but we still can't break that habit of once a night feedings. I don't know how to break it. You take a full bottle right before bed and you eat a fruit and veggie about 30 mins before your bottle. I'm sure you will grow out of it soon! 

  • You still love your brother and enjoy being with him! He can always make you smile and you giggle. If you isn't just waking up or needing to go to bed he loves you right back and enjoys making you smile. 
After Wade's Christmas program

  • Your second tooth popped through this month. You now have two teeth, both on the bottom. Your hair is also starting to fill in and grow some more. Maybe you won't be bald until your 3 like your Momma was. 

  • You're wearing sized 2 diapers, fixing to move to sized 3. Your wearing 6-9 month clothing in most things. Some 9-12 month in smaller made clothes.

  • You are talking up a storm. You still haven't said Mama or Dada but we are sure working on it as well as Bubba. Your face just lights up when we talk, sing or play with you. You are the happiest morning baby I've ever seen. 
7 months on this day!

We love you so much and we're so proud of each milestone you've made. We continue to look forward to each day with you and continue to say that each month is our favorite month. Truth be told, we just love and enjoy anything you do. We are so blessed by you and continue to pray that you will grow and develop into a God fearing woman. We love you and know you can do anything you set your mind to. I'm so proud of you beautiful! 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pyper Grace Is 6 months (i'm a little late)

 Pyper Grace I can't believe that you are 6 months old. I'm actually a little late posting this, you were 6 months old on Thanksgiving day! You had a great first Thanksgiving! You sat in your high chair and happily played with lots of toys and ate carrots! At six months here is what you are up to.

You are rolling all over the place. You can roll over from tummy to back but you rarely do. Your a little spoiled and know that if you just grunt and cry a little someone will eventually roll you back over for you. 

On Tuesday, November 27th your first tooth popped through! It was your bottom left tooth. Your bottom right tooth is not far behind. You also got your 6 month shots and your flu shot on the same day. That was a BIG day. Momma may or may not have cried a little bit when I discovered that pearly white. 

You are an eater. You still eat 6 ounces every 4 to 5 hours. We introduced solids around 5 months. You LOVE green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, bananas, and you will tolerate prunes. You HATE apple sauce, peas, and squash. You are eating one fruit and one veggie at night and then take a bottle before bed.

My sweet little princess you are NOT a sleeper! I could always count on your brother to take a 2.5 hour morning AND afternoon nap. I'm lucky to get you down for 30 or 45 mins once a day. You are too worried your missing out on something. You are still waking up at least once a night for a bottle, sometimes twice a night. I'm not sure how to break that but maybe we will get it figured out too.

You are still a great little traveler. We frequently go to see your Grammy and Pop and you almost always sleep the whole entire way. And we are going to make a shopper out of you yet. You love to ride in the stroller and have people talk to you. You don't make a fuss until we get in the car to head home. 

Your personality is really coming alive! You have started to reach for us and you smile and grin just about anytime we talk to you! You LOVE kisses. Your whole body just lights up when we kiss your sweet little cheeks! You think your brother is hilarious! You laugh at just about anything he says or does to you. I love to hear your sweet little giggles and belly laughs. 

You are working on sitting on your own. You can balance for a few minutes before you fall over. You are sitting longer and longer each day. I'll blink and you'll be doing it all on your own in no time. 


You are the sweetest, most relaxed little girl I know. You just go with the flow and rarely make a peep in doing so. I enjoy every kiss, smile and snuggle from you. You are such a little joy in our lives. I can't believe your half a year old. We love you so so much. Happy 6 months baby girl!