My precious angel, December 30th you were 16 months. Mommy has been a bit busy so I'm just now getting around to writing this. A lot has happened this past month. You celebrated your second Christmas with LOTS of family and your personality has continued to grow and change in just these four short weeks.
You loved Christmas. You really got into opening up presents. Problem was, once something was opened you didn't want to open anything else, you just wanted that toy out of the box so you could play with it. You got several fun things but one thing you really love is the recliner Daddy and I got you. You LOVE to sit in it with your monkey a.k.a Nanana (Banana, blanket, and a juice cup and watch Elmo or Toy Story. You also got an Elmo plane for Grammy and Poppy that you love because the propeller lights up and spins. It was such a fun Christmas to see your face light up when you opened something and enjoy it with just you for now.
We made Christmas cookies three times this past month so for a week or two you walked into the kitchen in the mornings and said "cookie cookie." Since it was a holiday much to your delight I gave you a cookie. Thankfully, they are all gone so you are back to your normal breakfast routine.
Your other three molers finally came in this month. They have really been giving you problems, a runny noise, congestion, and some pain at night so we are glad they are in.
You are running all over this place. I still can't believe your walking much less running. It took you so long to decide you wanted to walk and now that you have you're all over the place.
Daddy has gotten you hooked on pretzels. You can eat a whole bag by yourself in about a week. I'm trying to help you understand that every time you see your bag or the snack cabinet you don't have to have one.
Daddy has also made the mistake of letting you watch movies in the car all the time, even if we're just running town the street to Target. Now when we get in the car you point to the DVD player and say "watch." Mommy is also trying to help you understand that we only watch tv in the car on our way to see Grammy and Poppy or very late at night when your are cranky.
You are on an Italian kick right now. You love pizza, spaghetti, lasagna ect. Unfortunately, you can just eat pasta all your life so your not to pleased when I make you eat yummy grilled chicken and veggies. However, you do still love broccoli.
You still love bath time. You got bathtub markers and tablets that change the water colors for Christmas so you love it even more now. I'm not sure who is more wet when you get done, your or me. Needless to say you've mastered the art of splashing.
You will repeat a lot of things we say now but here are the words you say on your own and actually know what they mean: Cracker, Cookie, Mama, Dada, Pop, Papaw, watch, Nanana, Hi, Bye, milk, juice, Thank you, Love, supper.
You think it is SO funny when someone tickles you under your chin, you HATE to have your diaper change, and you don't like the process of getting dressed. You love when Daddy finally comes home in the evenings and you meet him at the back door when you hear him drive up. You LOVE the dust buster and vacuum cleaner (just like your momma). You are perfectly content playing in your room alone for long periods of time (of course I peek in on you). You love to give me kisses and hugs when I ask. If your sleep enough you will sit in our laps and cuddle at night.
You LOVE our nightly story time before bed. You listen and look at the pictures carefully. If you are ready for bed before the story is over you will shut the book for me.
You are certainly testing your limits. After I've told you "no" twice, you will look me in the eye and do whatever it is I told you not to do. Naturally, you act shocked when you get a spanking for it. These moments are rare and for that i am thankful.
You continue to be a joy in our lives and just when I think I can't love you anymore I do. My heart hurts just looking at you sometimes because I love you so much. Your such a blessing to our little family and we are so thankful God chose us to be your parents. We love you and we're so proud of you! Here is to the next 16 months!
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago